Friday, November 18, 2005

Banned For Life

This time of year flushes all sorts of haunts out of their hiding places. Accordingly, a serial-, or perhaps spree-killer I once knew came to mind today. The man died violently 13 years ago this month, long after I had last seen him. Click here to read a story about him. Here’s an excerpt of it:

"... the Richmond Times-Dispatch carried Mark Holmberg's sad and sensational story of Woody Drake. As usual, Holmberg did a good job with a bizarre subject. In case you missed the news: Lynwood Drake, who grew up in Richmond, murdered six people in California on November 8 [1992]. Then he turned the gun on himself. His tortured suicide note cited revenge as the motive. An especially troubling aspect of Holmberg's account was that those Richmonders who remembered the 43 year old Drake weren't at all surprised at the startling news. Nor was I. My memory of the man goes back to the early days of the Biograph Theatre (1972). At the time I managed the West Grace Street cinema. So the unpleasant task of dealing with Drake fell to me."

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