Saturday, May 20, 2006

Miller vs. Webb, no holds barred

Yesterday, the two Democrats who are running in a statewide primary to be held in June met in Norfolk for a debate. Or, maybe “debate” is not exactly the best word to describe what went on before WVEC-TV’s cameras and microphones. According to Richmond Times-Dispatch political reporter Tyler Whitley, the two candidates seeking to challenge Sen. George Allen in November’s general election ignored the Republican incumbent. Apparently, they mostly attacked one another.

“The two Democrats seeking to unseat U.S. Sen. George Allen, R-Va., virtually ignored him yesterday and trained their sights on each other. In the first televised joint appearance of the campaign, James Webb referred to a union description of Harris Miller as ‘the anti-Christ of outsourcing.'

"At one point, after being interrupted by Miller, an angry-appearing Webb exclaimed:
'Harris, if you shut your mouth, I'll answer the question.’ This came after Webb said he bore ‘no animosity’ toward Miller. Both agreed they would back each other.

“The two began arguing midway through a half-hour face-off on WVEC-TV’s ‘On the Record.’ The debate, hosted by Joel Rubin, will be shown on the Norfolk station tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. The argument continued afterward under questioning from the media, as each candidate sought to portray himself as the more legitimate Democrat.”

The bubbling animosity between these two Democrat hopefuls and their respective camps of finger-pointing partisans must be fun for Allen’s backers to watch. In spite of what the candidates say, on the record, at this writing it’s difficult to imagine how their lathered up supporters will be able to pull together after the primary to defeat Allen.


Anonymous said...

Easy Terri; Miller doesn't have any SUPPORTERS. He just has negative attacks against Webb. Miller offers NO REASON TO VOTE FOR HIM; he just slashes away at Jim. Webb's supporters actually SUPPORT JIM. In other words , if Jim wins there probably isn't a problem since no one really likes Miller (besides one insane and delusional Blogger named Alice Marshall) and those who voted for Miller will just need to be told the truth. As Miller's attacks are almost always complete lies. A prime example was in yesterday’s debate when he denied having contributed to Hastert, Spencer Abraham and other Republicans. (He lies, yet it is a matter of public record that he gave to them!)

However, if Miller somehow wins, this would be a severe blow to the unity of the Democratic Party. As more is learned of Miller's past and as his present lies are exposed, he becomes less and less of an attractive candidate.

A Harris “The Shiller” Miller nomination is the same as putting up a white flag. That's probably why the DSCC, Senators Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Ken Salazar, Congressman Jack Murtha, General Wesley Clark, and other national heavy weights, and 11 of Chuck Robb’s former staffers, are getting on board with Jim in droves. They want to win and they see the obvious; only Jim Webb can beat Allen. Miller does not stand a prayer!!

Harris Miller’s past lobbying for outsourcing and his present lying make him unsuitable for the nomination. The intensity of support for Webb dwarfs any “support” for Miller and the party, at the state and national level, realizes that a Miller nomination would be a crushing defeat for the progress the Democratic Party has made in the past 5 years in this state. A Webb win, which all sources of information (paltry though it is) seems to indicate will be the result means a strong challanger that can beat Allen in the fall. A Miller nomination means turning back the clock on the amazing progress the Democratic Party has enjoyed in the last 5 years in our state.

Ken C.

F.T. Rea said...

Ken C.,

My worry is not so much about Jim Webb, although I‘m disappointed with what I read about the debate. I wish he had attacked Allen in a way that generated quotes.

From what I’ve seen of Webb I’ve always liked him. I sincerely hope he wins the primary. I agree he has a much better chance than Harris Miller to defeat George Allen. I agree that Miller seems like a real dud of a candidate. Still, beating Allen will not be easy and it’s silly to pretend it will be.

What has put me off this spring is the hammering mean tone of this primary campaign.

In my book, some of Webb’s blogging supporters have been doing him a great disservice with their unbridled zealotry. Their rude style of force-feeding awkwardly transparent propaganda into the dialogue is quite off-putting to many people outside their loop. It’s the very sort of thing that makes a lot of folks ignore politics.

So, I worry it will tar Webb in such a way as to make him appear run-of-the-mill, rather than what I see him as -- a breath of fresh air.

I don’t know Alice Marshall, but I’ve read her comments online plenty of times. Apparently, she occasionally enjoys the role of the lightning rod. However, my concern is not with her and I don‘t have any grudges against her, as it appears some of Webb’s supporters do. She’s probably the sort Webb will need in his corner after the primary.

My worry is mostly about the tactics of well-meaning, progressive Young Turks, who -- not unlike their neoconservative opposites -- think they’re smarter than everybody else. They may actually be spoiling their classy candidate’s chances to win in November, by thinking the campaign is all about how clever they are.

That, instead of electing a Democrat and retaking the Senate majority.

-- Terry

Anonymous said...

If you know what I know about Alice Marshall, you would agree with me that Webb will not need her in his corner after the primary.

Vivian J. Paige said...

What has put me off this spring is the hammering mean tone of this primary campaign.

In my book, some of Webb’s blogging supporters have been doing him a great disservice with their unbridled zealotry. Their rude style of force-feeding awkwardly transparent propaganda into the dialogue is quite off-putting to many people outside their loop. It’s the very sort of thing that makes a lot of folks ignore politics.

I totally agree with you. And the fact that so many of them have said that they will not support Miller should he win the primary is disappointing to me.