Saturday, June 02, 2012

Growing Richmond's Show Biz Scene

Instead of systematically stifling show business, as it has done for the last half-century, imagine stuck-in-the-mud Richmond suddenly wanting to make a genuine effort to cultivate a downtown entertainment scene. What would be the first smart thing to do?   

With three recent posts at his blog, The Richmonder, J.C. Wilmore focused on Richmond's wrongheaded admissions tax. The video above imagines vacant buildings being filled with entertainment venues. The excerpt below is from a post that explains some of how the admissions tax is hurting Richmond.
The admissions tax actually costs Richmond more revenue than it brings in because it discourages the formation of an entertainment sector in Richmond that would generate significantly more revenue than Richmond would lose if it eliminated the admissions tax. I'll write more about the negative impact of the admissions tax tomorrow. 
Click here to read Wilmore's "Growing the entertainment sector is the way to move Richmond forward."

Click here to read Wilmore's "Repealing the Admissions Tax won't blow Richmond's budget."

Click here to visit the Stop Taxing Tickets Facebook group.

Click here to read, "Not the Ticket," my piece on the admissions tax issue that ran in Style Weekly in February.

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