Thursday, August 28, 2003

Progress vs. Power

On November 4 Richmonders will have the opportunity to vote, yes or no, on a city charter change calling for the election of a mayor by a citywide vote. The Wilder-Bliley Commission collected enough signatures on petitions to get the proposal on the ballot.

Currently, the nine members of City Council select the mayor from their own ranks. Under the Wilder-Bliley proposal, the mayor would be selected directly by the voters, every four years.

The City of Richmond needs this change. Read about why and the peculiar path that has led us to this point in a piece penned by F. T. Rea for STYLE Weekly.

Here’s a little teaser blurb: “In spite of how it might seem to a viewer after watching City Council meetings on television, personalities are not really what’s most wrong at City Hall. No. Cobbled together by conflicting moves made in 1948 and 1977, it’s plainly the system that’s twisted. This is a problem that is limiting our city’s potential all over town. For good reason, citizens of all backgrounds in Richmond have lost faith in their local government.”

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