Monday, September 10, 2018

Will Trump Quit to Launch MTVG

Maybe Trump will quit. After all, wouldn't he be happier making his own schedule, again? Just doing what pleases him all day? No cabinet meetings with little pissants like that traitor, Sessions?

Or was it Kellyanne?

Instead, what if he could host a couple of daily, live talk-shows? Isn't that what he was really born to do? Wasn't Johnny Carson more important than most presidents?

Rather than having to do the president's dreary job, how about if could dole out a morning show and an evening show -- for his fans to lap up -- every day? Or at least every damn day he feels like it. Some days he'd have guests, other days not.  Basically, the format would be totally elastic.

Of course, Trump would have a sidekick/stooge, like Ed McMahon, who'd laugh on command and smoothly shrug off all manner of humiliation from the host. There would also be three or four scantily-clad, young and large-breasted women on hand, serving as decorative go-go dancers who also laugh on command, etc. The stooge and the go-gos would do the show on days Trump chooses to play golf, or whatever.

Every so often, Trump would fire and replace the sidekick or a go-go, to freshen up the picture. Rather than pay his guests, Trump will charge them handsome fees to appear, because the massive exposure -- never anything like it, before! -- will help them to no end, to promote their schemes.

To liven things up, sometimes the host will have the go-gos roughly escort a disrespectful guest off the set. If necessary, Trump's personal body guards will help out. 

Home base would be at Trump Tower and he would broadcast the show from that Manhattan set frequently, or when he so chooses. But a full-blown portable set could have him traveling to other Trump properties, to broadcast on location. Plus, Trump would also take the program on the road to anybody's location for a broadcast, as long as they pay him royally.

The Trump talk shows would run on the Make TV Great cable television network – MTVG – owned by Trump and his well-heeled partners. No names.

When Trump's not on the air with his signature program the network could fill up the rest of the time by running straight-to-video action movies, classic professional wrestling videos from yesteryear, and Christian programming.

And here's what may turn out to be the best part -- at the drop of a hat, Trump could always scoop up the whole talk show shebang and fly it off to a friendly country, meaning one that won't extradite him back to the USA.

Dear reader, if the Republicans lose both houses of Congress in the nationwide elections coming up in November, maybe Trump will think a lot about quitting, so he can get to work building a new unregulated empire. Just think of how many MTVG baseball caps and golf balls he can sell. Then there could be MTVG wine and maybe MTVG steaks...

Will Trump quit the White House to launch MTVG? 

As our squatting president likes to say, "We'll see." 

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