Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wilder stiff-arms Deeds

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Forever Wilder

Sometime Democrat Doug Wilder, 78, has made his decision: He will not endorse a candidate in the gubernatorial race. Wilder released a 722 word statement today.

The requests, made of me, have been to endorse Mr. Deeds, the Democratic Candidate, for Governor. I refrain from doing so and will leave that choice to the voters. This in no wise is intended to detract from Mr. Deeds in terms of character or commitment to the task of being Governor. I find that he, as well as Mr. McDonnell are fine and honorable men and well suited to that task.

To read Wilder's statement click here to go to Bob Holsworth's blog, Virginia Tomorrow.

In his statement, the former governor of Virginia and mayor of Richmond gave some clues as to why Creigh Deeds couldn't win his endorsement. In doing so Wilder mentioned Deeds three times by name. Bob McDonnell got one such mention. That while Wilder wrote "I" 13 times.

So, for the most part, Wilder used the space to remind his readers of what he sees as pertinent highlights of his own record. He made no mention of the many feuds he has (had) with various Democrats along the way.

However, those readers who have followed Wilder's long career, with payback as its guiding light, understand all too well what his "statement" is all about.

-- Words and art by F.T. Rea

1 comment:

lord grays said...

May the best man win. God is in control-He knows who would do the best job!!!