Tuesday, September 13, 2005

High Water

This photo was shot 20 years ago in Richmond on 14th Street, looking south. Shockoe Bottom was already flooded. It shows exactly where the National Guard should be when the water is rising fast to threaten a city. This year it seems the National Guard was quite busy elsewhere, so poor New Orleans had to fend for itself.

As the so-called "fog of war" lifts, what the hell really happened in Katrina's aftermath, way down yonder in New Orleans, matters to me. Getting the straight story wasn't easy last week.

Accordingly, this space will expand with a growing list of links to stories that have helped me better understand -- from the relatively safe confines of the Fan District in Richmond -- what was going on and not going on, when unprecedented news of a shameful governmental failure and anarchy was flooding into my little space from many unreliable sources.
  • "Louisiana Nursing Home Charged in 34 Deaths" -- Reuters

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