Monday, February 13, 2012

A tempest in an imaginary teacup

Ye gods and little fishes, it's 2012! and to play a political game some people are still trying to stand in the way of women who want to avoid pregnancy.
"There's no compromise here," said GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum, a Catholic and favorite among religious conservatives. "They are forcing religious organizations, either directly or indirectly, to pay for something that they find is a deeply, morally, you know, wrong thing. And this is not what the government should be doing."
Click here to read the entire AP story.

So, the government shouldn’t dictate to religious organizations? Does Santorum mean the government should step aside and allow ANY religious organization to do as it pleases, regardless of the law of the land? Or, is this just a Catholic thing? You see, I have to wonder if Santorum is just as adamant about protecting Muslims in America from government intrusion.

Meanwhile, I’m glad the government doesn’t allow polygamy. Along those lines, I’m also glad child-molesting Warren Jeffs is in jail. On top of that, I’m more than a little relieved that the self-styled Christians of the Ku Klux Klan aren’t allowed to burn a cross wherever they want to.

There’s nothing in the Constitution that says people are free to do whatever they like, as long as they say it’s part of their religious beliefs. Which certainly means that in 2012, if a father -- such as the Old Testament's Abraham -- wants to kill/sacrifice his child to prove his love for God, the cops will take an interest in preventing the crime from taking place.

No need to go on. 

When we still had the draft, citizens could refuse to be conscripted to fight in a war on moral or religious grounds. They were seen as conscious objectors. But the conscious objector was not then allowed to refuse to pay taxes, because their money might be spent in the war effort.

If I tell the Commonwealth of Virginia that my religious beliefs prevent me from paying any state taxes, because I'm against my money being used to execute a human being, how far do you think I'll get with that approach?

Since no one is trying to compel Catholics to use contraceptives, Santorum’s argument is obviously about politics, not religion.

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