Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Say it ain't so, Joe

Joe Lieberman, who was elected to his third term in the US Senate the same day he lost his bid to win the Vice Presidency -- as Al Gore’s running mate in 2000 -- lost a Democratic primary in Connecticut yesterday. But, in spite of his loss, once again, Lieberman wants two bites of the apple. Now he says he is running for reelection as an Independent.

Reuters reports:

“U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman defeat in Connecticut offered tangible evidence of Democratic anger with President George W. Bush and the Iraq war and could be an early sign of a strong anti-incumbent mood before November’s election, analysts said on Wednesday. Lieberman, a three-term senator and vice presidential nominee in 2000, filed petitions on Wednesday to run as an independent against Democratic primary winner Ned Lamont after falling under a wave of voter anger for his war support.”

Charlottesville blogger Waldo Jaquith’s timely take on Lieberman’s plan to ignore the will of his fellow Democrats in Connecticut, and the sound advice of Virginia's Gov. Tim Kaine, is titled, “Sore Loserman after all.” Here’s a blurb from his post which hit the bulls-eye.

“... It is now clear that Sen. Lieberman’s top priority is Sen. Lieberman. Not the integrity of the process. Not his party. Not his state. Not the U.S. Senate.”
Illustration: F.T. Rea

1 comment:

Shaun Kenney said...

I gotta get me one of those fine FT Rea pics done one of these days. :)