Thursday, May 16, 2024

'Anytime ... Anyplace'

With the Trump trial currently underway the jurors are surely feeling it. Of course, the witnesses are feeling it, too. Maybe the judge is feeling it the most. All of those folks in Manhattan are keenly aware that in order to do their jobs properly, they must find the courage to stiff-arm, or at least shrug off, the intimidation factor that goes along with being a part of anything that displeases the surly MAGA cult's membership. 

Thus, today, everybody knows that with any official process -- election, trial, etc. -- that has the power to deny Trump what he demands, it's a given that fear looms over the doings. It's startling how little time it has taken for that to be seen as routine. Let's face it -- part of the fascination that news junkies have with Trump's series of courtroom dramas is that danger is lurking in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Trump has declared that he will do the June 27th debate. Oh yes, he said, "Anytime ... anyplace."

However, to believe that "anytime ... anyplace" guff you have to take Trump at his word. Think about that for a few seconds... 

You also have to believe that Trump isn't fretting right now over having agreed to do anything, according to rules Biden has put in place. After all, don't his MAGA cult members expect him to be THE Boss in all ways? Isn't Trump the only essential star of any such television event? 

Plus, I'm pretty damn sure Trump is convinced that he delivers his best lines, when he's swaggering like a B-movie gangster and talking over his opponent like an avalanche? 

Therefore, it will surprise me if Trump doesn't eventually start monkeying around and chiseling with the CNN debate format's rules, as they stand. For instance, how can he allow a moderator's gag button! He'll claim the viewing audience wants hot mics all the time. 

Then again, maybe the lure of that monster-sized TV audience -- perhaps over 100,000,000 viewers? -- will be irresistible to him. If Trump is low ready cash that could become a deciding factor.

Still, my hunch is that at the 11th hour Trump will find a lame excuse to opt out. Then put all the blame on Biden ... of course.

Nonetheless, the last thing Trump will ever do is admit to anyone that he has become afraid of losing the debate to President Joe Biden ... same with the damn election ... and he's especially afraid of going to jail.

Yep, with what's left of his confidence seeping away, I sense the would-be fascist boss of us all is feeling it, too: 


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