Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Perpetual Threat

Like a lot of people who follow politics, I think Trump will eventually be running for president, AGAIN. You know how he must hate the publicity the January 6 Committee is generating, all of it at his expense. So, I say, if it's coming, anyway -- then the sooner the better. 

After all, if Trump starts fundraising next month for his 2024 presidential campaign, which we all know he's eager to do -- in spite of his advisers who say, "better to wait" -- it will drain off a lot of dough that would be helping the 2022 campaigns of Republican candidates, in races up and down the ballots, coast-to-coast. Plus, as a ranting, headline-making candidate, he will immediately become the all overshadowing issue in most of those races. 

Moreover, I expect that factor will damage more Republican candidates than it helps.

So with Trump's festering jealousy over the media attention other politicians are currently enjoying, together with his likely belief that being an active candidate might discourage some prosecutors from indicting him, and his insatiable need for more adulation and money, my guess is Trump will indeed announce his candidacy sooner than later. 

Does Mar-a-Lago have an escalator?

Remember, if things don't go well for him on the campaign trail, none of this means impulsive Trump will feel obligated to stay in the race. So what has he got to lose by announcing early? Thus, if his poll numbers fall off of a cliff and his rallies stop drawing big, adoring crowds, that could make him throw his lunch at a wall and call it quits.

Or, for the matter, there's no telling what such bitter disappointments would do to America's first Mobster-in-Chief. 

Nonetheless, candidate or not, 76-year-old Donald Trump will likely remain a perpetual threat to steal the political spotlight, any damn way he can, for as long as he possibly can. Win, lose, or draw, that much we can count on from Trump.  

-- Art and words by F.T. Rea

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