Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Enemy. Oh, Yeah.

With all the disinformation swirling in the air, these days, it has been easy to get distracted, even fooled. 

Oh, yeah.

Sometimes, it's not all that clear what is the truth. And, lingering habits can trump reason. 

However, with recent events in mind, by now women in the USA ought to be able to see through the fog of conflict and confusion to identify their absolute worst enemy. 

It's not foreigners. It's not folks who live in the wrong part of town. It's not a religion, or an ideology, or a philosophy.

Today the true enemy of women living in the USA is the Republican Party -- a political party that has become a backward cult, quite happy to pursue an anti-female agenda. 

Oh, yeah. 

-- Illustration assembled by F.T Rea with apologies to Walt Kelly. Feel free to borrow and share it.  

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