Saturday, March 06, 2021

Don't be evil. Smartly mask.

If the last year has taught us anything, when it comes to public policy, we the people ought to more easily recognize obvious foolishness, as well as evil, when we see them. For instance, a year ago, when Flat-Earth politicians first advocated ignoring what bona fide experts were advising, to do with the COVID-19 pandemic, it was foolish.

But what can you expect from people who don't believe in evolution? People who just don't want to believe that the radical changes in weather we're seeing are being exacerbated by mankind's persistent bad habits, especially to do with energy use? People who refuse to believe anything that puts what they like to do in a bad light?  

Eventually, to create distrust  and confusion, what some conniving politicians told us about what scientists/medial experts were advising was worse than foolish. It was designed to create more suffering. More death. 

Most notably, the war on masks has been and remains pure evil. 

Which means I'm saying we must stop thinking of the wearing of masks as a political matter, a free speech matter. And, we must no longer hesitate to condemn the politicians who are still waging a war on masks, while they claim citizens have a "right" to spread disease. 

A right to deliberately harm our neighbors? That's a load of warmed-over bullshit!

What Trump has done to discourage the wearing of masks has sickened and killed thousands of people. He knows that. So does the governor of Texas. Now, what scheming politicians are doing to mimic Trump's anti-mask policies is not just stupid. It's tantamount to poisoning a water supply. It's pretty much equal to setting off a poisonous gas bomb. 

Sixty-five days into 2021, with vaccine-driven hope on the horizon, the war on masks is pure evil. 

Don't be a chump. Don't be evil. Smartly mask. 

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