Monday, February 08, 2021

Trump's Son of Impeachment Trial Predictions

Here we go again: On Tuesday the second impeachment trial of the leader of the Trumpist cult is set to get underway. It's an event that will have pundits aplenty opining with certitude about how it will proceed and how it will turn out. Which means, of course, I'm ready to do my part with suggesting what we, the weary people, should expect will likely happen and/or probably not happen. 

But first let's take a look at an article about a new ABC News/Ipsos Poll that offers a snapshot of public sentiment about the former president's ordeal in the Senate and related matters. Spoiler: The headline for the piece reads: 

[A] majority of Americans say Trump should be convicted and barred from holding federal office in the future. 

Now here are my predictions:

Question: What's likely to Happen?

Answer: 1. Republican senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul will do all they can to piss off Democrats. They may even resort to making faces at key Democrats. 2. During the trial, jealous of the attention others are getting, Trump might cook up a stunt to steal the spotlight. Maybe a rally? 

Q: What Ought to Happen or Could Happen?

A: 1. The Democrats' Managers ought to issue a big fat subpoena for Trump to testify. Naturally, he will decline, but it will be hard for him to look good taking the coward's way out. 

2. Trump deserves a conviction and although it seems unlikely, today, think about this: If the damning story of Trump gleefully watching the mayhem unfold live, on TV at the White House -- and doing nothing to try to minimize the danger! -- is told effectively, well, perhaps a conviction becomes more possible. After all, during that crucial time, on Jan. 6, to say Trump was faithfully executing the laws, as per his oath of office, is quite a reach.

3. The GOP top dogs may have an epiphany that their party will be in a much better position in 2022 if Trump can't be a candidate in 2024; mainly because Liz Cheney is right when she says

"We have never seen that kind of an assault by a president of the United States on another branch of government and that can never happen again."
Q: What is unlikely to Happen?

A: 1. A mob will probably not be allowed to storm the Capitol. 

2. Trump will probably not be convicted, because the Republicans in Congress are still too afraid of incurring the wrath of the cult's dear leader -- Florida Man.

-- Words and art by F.T. Rea

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